It is not allowed to examinations:
- Who has not paid the examination fee within a maximum two days prior to the exam date.
- Who is devoid of a regular membership card with insurance coverage for the current year.
- Who is devoid of the minimum necessary requirements for the exams (at least six months of continuous practice).
- Who made a month of absence or twelve days off, six months necessary for the exams.
- Who looks examination without thai shorts and tshirt not comply with the Regulation.
- Late arrivals over the fifteen minutes or after roll call of the athletes present.
- Those who do not abide by the association's membership rules and Muay Thai College of Europe.
If the candidate was rejected or absent justified, may retake the exam at the next session with no additional burden.
After two failures or achieved absences, the examination fee is considered "expired" and the candidate may not re-examining the first of the twelve months.
During examination:
- The athlete participant must wear the uniform of their club (where present).
- The athlete must have respect for the teachers, lecturers, teachers of their own sports association.
- The athlete must have the utmost respect for the Masters of the examination of the Thai Muay Thai College Europe.
- The athlete must maintain a martial attitude, polite and respectful to their peers.
- The athlete should always ask permission to get out of the training area, even to go to the bathroom.
- The athlete can not leave for any reason before the end of the event, internship or exam.
- The athlete does not make use of cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and illegal performance-enhancing drugs.
- The athlete during the examination session does not use the cell phone (except labor availability).