Both in Italy, abroad and in Thailand you can organize and customize:
- Muay Thai training,
- Muay thai agonistic training,
- Muay Boran training,
Each training will be organized to meet the needs of schools, teams or individual athletes.
For training and workshops organized in Italy and abroad the secretariat of Muay Thai College Europe is available to compose with any applicant, the training or the right internship for every need: whether it aimed to competition, to amateur, appearance sportier or traditional, face to defense personnel or focused on athletic for ring sports.
The Grand Master of Muay Thai College Europe are available to move around and bring their experience in any gym.
For training arranged in Thailand, the registration fee will also include room and board at the hotel located within the confines of the university campus.
The detailed and final program of each training will be provided to participants once defined the details of the same with the University.
To request information, informative material and organize in detail the trip "customized" contact the secretariat as indicated above.